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hg-clone: Clone a repository to the head of a specific branch, ignoring later commits.
$ hg clone --branch ${branch} ${remote_repository_source}
try on your machine

This command "hg clone" is used to create a copy of a repository and its history in a new location.

--branch: This option specifies the branch name that you want to clone. It allows you to clone only a specific branch instead of cloning the entire repository. ${branch} is a placeholder, and you need to replace it with the actual branch name you want to clone.

${remote_repository_source}: This represents the source URL or path of the remote repository you want to clone. It can be a remote URL like HTTP or SSH, or it can be a path to a local repository. Again, you need to replace this placeholder with the actual repository source you want to clone.

So overall, this command is used to clone a specific branch from a remote repository to a local location.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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