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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool hg. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Hg, also known as Mercurial, is a distributed version control system (DVCS) used for software development. It was created for efficiency and simplicity, aiming to provide an easy-to-use tool for managing projects. Here are ten key points about Hg:

  1. Hg is written in Python, making it easily extendable and platform-independent, supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  2. It uses a decentralized model, where each developer has a complete local copy of the repository, enabling offline work and faster operations.
  3. Hg boasts a powerful branching and merging system, allowing developers to easily switch between different branches and merge code changes efficiently.
  4. It supports both centralized and decentralized workflows, making it suitable for solo projects or distributed teams collaborating on large-scale projects.
  5. Hg provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easier for beginners to grasp and use effectively.
  6. It offers robust support for handling binary files and large repositories, ensuring smooth performance even with complex projects.
  7. Hg embraces a simple and unified model for tracking changes, with commits representing a snapshot of the entire project directory at a given point in time.
  8. It includes features like built-in web server, integrated bug tracker support, and extensions that enhance its functionality and integrations with other tools.
  9. Hg guarantees data integrity using SHA-1 hashes to identify each revision and enabling detection of any tampering or corruption.
  10. It offers seamless integration with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and Eclipse, augmenting the development workflow with version control capabilities.

Overall, Hg's emphasis on simplicity, speed, and ease of use has made it a popular choice among individuals and teams for managing software projects effectively.

List of commands for hg:

  • hg-add:tldr:05778 hg-add: Add files or directories to the staging area.
    $ hg add ${filename}
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  • hg-add:tldr:4b638 hg-add: Recursively add sub-repositories.
    $ hg add --subrepos
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  • hg-add:tldr:51be1 hg-add: Add all unstaged files, excluding those that match a specified pattern.
    $ hg add --exclude ${pattern}
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  • hg-add:tldr:b329f hg-add: Add all unstaged files matching a specified pattern.
    $ hg add --include ${pattern}
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  • hg-add:tldr:e3711 hg-add: Perform a test-run without performing any actions.
    $ hg add --dry-run
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  • hg-branch:tldr:82194 hg-branch: Show the name of the currently active branch.
    $ hg branch
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  • hg-branch:tldr:a3198 hg-branch: Create a new branch for the next commit.
    $ hg branch ${branch_name}
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  • hg-clone:tldr:13631 hg-clone: Clone a repository with only the `.hg` directory, without checking out files.
    $ hg clone --noupdate ${remote_repository_source}
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  • hg-clone:tldr:40eed hg-clone: Clone a repository to a specified directory.
    $ hg clone ${remote_repository_source} ${destination_path}
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  • hg-clone:tldr:93cde hg-clone: Clone a repository to a specific revision, tag or branch, keeping the entire history.
    $ hg clone --updaterev ${revision} ${remote_repository_source}
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  • hg-clone:tldr:a1adc hg-clone: Clone a repository to the head of a specific branch, ignoring later commits.
    $ hg clone --branch ${branch} ${remote_repository_source}
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  • hg-clone:tldr:a273d hg-clone: Clone a repository up to a specific revision without any newer history.
    $ hg clone --rev ${revision} ${remote_repository_source}
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  • hg-commit:tldr:24c0c hg-commit: Commit all files, excluding those that match a specified pattern.
    $ hg commit --exclude ${pattern}
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  • hg-commit:tldr:54115 hg-commit: Commit using the interactive mode.
    $ hg commit --interactive
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  • hg-commit:tldr:9089a hg-commit: Commit with a specific message.
    $ hg commit --message ${message}
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  • hg-commit:tldr:9ffba hg-commit: Commit staged files to the repository.
    $ hg commit
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  • hg-commit:tldr:b8420 hg-commit: Commit a specific file or directory.
    $ hg commit ${filename_or_directory}
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  • hg-commit:tldr:ea405 hg-commit: Commit all files matching a specified pattern.
    $ hg commit --include ${pattern}
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  • hg-init:tldr:19c32 hg-init: Initialize a new repository in the current directory.
    $ hg init
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  • hg-init:tldr:978af hg-init: Initialize a new repository in the specified directory.
    $ hg init ${path-to-directory}
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  • hg-log:tldr:0f169 hg-log: Display the entire revision history of the repository.
    $ hg log
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  • hg-log:tldr:15721 hg-log: Display the revision history for a specific date.
    $ hg log --date ${date}
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  • hg-log:tldr:2a86a hg-log: Display the revision history with an ASCII graph.
    $ hg log --graph
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  • hg-log:tldr:469d5 hg-log: Display the revision history with file names matching a specified pattern.
    $ hg log --include ${pattern}
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  • hg-log:tldr:49724 hg-log: Display revisions committed by a specific user.
    $ hg log --user ${user}
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  • hg-log:tldr:5e26c hg-log: Display the revision history for a specific branch.
    $ hg log --branch ${branch}
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  • hg-log:tldr:ec231 hg-log: Display the revision history, excluding file names that match a specified pattern.
    $ hg log --exclude ${pattern}
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  • hg-log:tldr:fad39 hg-log: Display the log information for a specific revision.
    $ hg log --rev ${revision}
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  • hg-pull:tldr:0d3c7 hg-pull: Specify a specific bookmark to pull.
    $ hg pull --bookmark ${bookmark}
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  • hg-pull:tldr:12855 hg-pull: Pull changes even when the remote repository is unrelated.
    $ hg pull --force
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  • hg-pull:tldr:3cf72 hg-pull: Update the local repository to the head of the remote.
    $ hg pull --update
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  • hg-pull:tldr:41582 hg-pull: Specify a specific branch to pull.
    $ hg pull --branch ${branch}
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  • hg-pull:tldr:440ef hg-pull: Specify a specific revision changeset to pull up to.
    $ hg pull --rev ${revision}
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  • hg-pull:tldr:78c77 hg-pull: Pull from a specified source repository.
    $ hg pull ${path-to-source_repository}
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  • hg-pull:tldr:c6cd2 hg-pull: Pull from the "default" source path.
    $ hg pull
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  • hg-push:tldr:15b9f hg-push: Push changes to the "default" remote path.
    $ hg push
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  • hg-push:tldr:21615 hg-push: Specify a specific branch to push.
    $ hg push --branch ${branch}
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  • hg-push:tldr:a2741 hg-push: Specify a specific bookmark to push.
    $ hg push --bookmark ${bookmark}
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  • hg-push:tldr:ac976 hg-push: Push a new branch if it does not exist (disabled by default).
    $ hg push --new-branch
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  • hg-push:tldr:d79b7 hg-push: Specify a specific revision changeset to push.
    $ hg push --rev ${revision}
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  • hg-push:tldr:f7a8c hg-push: Push changes to a specified remote repository.
    $ hg push ${path-to-destination_repository}
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  • hg-remove:tldr:02f6f hg-remove: Remove all staged files matching a specified pattern.
    $ hg remove --include ${pattern}
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  • hg-remove:tldr:07504 hg-remove: Remove files from the repository that have been physically removed.
    $ hg remove --after
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  • hg-remove:tldr:3ea3a hg-remove: Remove all staged files, excluding those that match a specified pattern.
    $ hg remove --exclude ${pattern}
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  • hg-remove:tldr:6c8e3 hg-remove: Recursively remove sub-repositories.
    $ hg remove --subrepos
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  • hg-remove:tldr:d0f42 hg-remove: Remove files or directories from the staging area.
    $ hg remove ${filename}
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  • hg-root:tldr:056e3 hg-root: Display the root location of the specified repository.
    $ hg root --cwd ${path-to-directory}
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  • hg-root:tldr:46f3f hg-root: Display the root location of the current repository.
    $ hg root
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  • hg-serve:tldr:a1750 hg-serve: Start a web server instance.
    $ hg serve
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  • hg-serve:tldr:ad376 hg-serve: Start a web server instance using the specified SSL certificate bundle.
    $ hg serve --certificate ${path-to-certificate}
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  • hg-serve:tldr:b0a40 hg-serve: Start a web server instance on the specified port.
    $ hg serve --port ${port}
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  • hg-serve:tldr:b6b42 hg-serve: Start a web server instance on the specified listening address.
    $ hg serve --address ${address}
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  • hg-serve:tldr:c2fb1 hg-serve: Start a web server instance using the specified theme (see the templates directory).
    $ hg serve --style ${style}
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  • hg-serve:tldr:d0262 hg-serve: Start a web server instance with a specific identifier.
    $ hg serve --name ${name}
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  • hg-status:tldr:02ced hg-status: Display only modified files.
    $ hg status --modified
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  • hg-status:tldr:27135 hg-status: Display the status of changed files.
    $ hg status
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  • hg-status:tldr:7e478 hg-status: Display only deleted (but tracked) files.
    $ hg status --deleted
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  • hg-status:tldr:9d107 hg-status: Display changes in the working directory compared to a specified changeset.
    $ hg status --rev ${revision}
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  • hg-status:tldr:a4505 hg-status: Display only files matching a specified glob pattern.
    $ hg status --include ${pattern}
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  • hg-status:tldr:d3c85 hg-status: Display only added files.
    $ hg status --added
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  • hg-status:tldr:da82f hg-status: Display only removed files.
    $ hg status --removed
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  • hg-status:tldr:ebffc hg-status: Display files, excluding those that match a specified glob pattern.
    $ hg status --exclude ${pattern}
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  • hg-update:tldr:00556 hg-update: Update to the last commit matching a specified date.
    $ hg update --date ${dd-mm-yyyy}
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  • hg-update:tldr:32c42 hg-update: Update and discard uncommitted changes.
    $ hg update --clean
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  • hg-update:tldr:c9135 hg-update: Update to the tip of the current branch.
    $ hg update
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  • hg-update:tldr:dbcb2 hg-update: Update to the specified revision.
    $ hg update --rev ${revision}
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  • hg:tldr:17da4 hg: Execute Mercurial command.
    $ hg ${command}
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  • hg:tldr:410b4 hg: Check the Mercurial version.
    $ hg --version
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  • hg:tldr:d1893 hg: Call help on a command.
    $ hg help ${command}
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  • hg:tldr:d4923 hg: Call general help.
    $ hg help
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tool overview