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hg-log: Display the entire revision history of the repository.
$ hg log
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The command "hg log" is used in Mercurial version control system to display the revision history of a repository. It provides a detailed listing of the commits made to the repository, including information such as the commit message, author, date, and changeset ID.

When you run the command "hg log" in the terminal or command prompt within a Mercurial repository, it will display the log entries starting from the most recent commit to the oldest. Each log entry typically contains the following information:

  • The changeset ID: A unique identifier assigned to each commit.
  • The author: The person who made the commit.
  • The date and time: The timestamp when the commit was made.
  • The commit message: A brief description of the changes made in the commit.

The log can provide valuable insights into the revision history of a project, allowing users to track changes, view commit details, and understand how the repository has evolved over time. It helps developers understand what changes have been made, who made them, and when they were made.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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