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hg-serve: Start a web server instance.
$ hg serve
try on your machine

The "hg serve" command is used in the Mercurial version control system to start a simple web server that allows clients to interact with a Mercurial repository via a web browser.

When you run "hg serve" in a Mercurial repository, it starts a local web server on your machine, typically on port 8000. This server hosts a basic web interface that allows you to browse the repository's revision history, view files, and perform various Mercurial operations.

By default, the server only allows read-only operations, so it's primarily useful for inspecting the repository's content. However, you can also configure it to allow pushes and other write operations if needed.

After running "hg serve", you can access the web interface by opening a web browser and navigating to "http://localhost:8000" (or a different port if you specified one). From there, you can navigate through the repository, view individual changesets, and interact with the files.

The "hg serve" command is often used for quick sharing and collaboration among team members, as they can easily access the repository's content without needing to clone or pull changes to their local machines. It's also handy for quickly reviewing changes and inspecting the repository's history.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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