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html5validator: Show warnings as well as errors.
$ html5validator --show-warnings ${filename}
try on your machine

The command you provided is incomplete as it relies on the use of a specific tool or script called "html5validator." Without further context, it is challenging to provide an accurate explanation.

However, based on the given command, it seems to be an instruction to run the "html5validator" tool or script with the specified options and the variable "${filename}". Here's a breakdown of the different components:

  1. "html5validator": This is the name of the tool or script being executed. It suggests that it is related to HTML5 validation, which ensures HTML code is compliant with the HTML5 standard.

  2. "--show-warnings": This is an option or flag passed to the "html5validator" tool. It implies that when executing the HTML5 validation, warnings should be displayed along with any errors encountered. Warnings are typically less severe issues compared to errors.

  3. "${filename}": This is a placeholder or variable representing a specific filename. It implies that the "html5validator" tool is intended to validate the HTML code contained within the file specified by this variable. The actual filename should be substituted in place of "${filename}" when running the command.

Overall, this command is likely used to validate HTML5 code and display any warnings that may occur in addition to errors.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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