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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool html5validator. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


HTML5 Validator is a command line tool that helps validate HTML files against the HTML5 standard. It is designed to ensure that the HTML adheres to current web standards and best practices. The tool checks for a wide range of issues including invalid tags, missing attributes, incorrect nesting, and deprecated elements. The validation process is carried out by using the official W3C HTML5 validator service.

HTML5 Validator supports both single file validation and batch validation, where multiple files can be validated at once. It provides detailed error messages and line numbers to help identify and fix issues more easily. The tool can be integrated into the development workflow to automate the HTML validation process. It supports various command line options, such as excluding certain files or directories from validation, specifying the output format, and setting the maximum number of errors to display.

HTML5 Validator is written in Python and can be installed via pip, the Python package manager. It can be used on various platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is actively maintained and regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest HTML specifications. It is a valuable tool for developers, designers, and quality assurance teams to ensure the HTML code is valid and compliant with standards.

List of commands for html5validator:

  • html5validator:tldr:0259c html5validator: Ignore specific directory names.
    $ html5validator --root ${path-to-directory} --blacklist "${node_modules vendor}"
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  • html5validator:tldr:40b63 html5validator: Output the results in a specific format.
    $ html5validator --format ${select} ${filename}
    try on your machine
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  • html5validator:tldr:60899 html5validator: Output the log at a specific verbosity level.
    $ html5validator --root ${path-to-directory} --log ${select}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • html5validator:tldr:ad658 html5validator: Validate all HTML files in a specific directory.
    $ html5validator --root ${path-to-directory}
    try on your machine
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  • html5validator:tldr:aef90 html5validator: Validate a specific file.
    $ html5validator ${filename}
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  • html5validator:tldr:d3ba6 html5validator: Show warnings as well as errors.
    $ html5validator --show-warnings ${filename}
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  • html5validator:tldr:e3993 html5validator: Match multiple files using a glob pattern.
    $ html5validator --root ${path-to-directory} --match "${*-html *-php}"
    try on your machine
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tool overview