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http-server: Start an HTTP server with CORS enabled by including the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` header in all responses.
$ http-server --cors
try on your machine

The http-server --cors command is used to start an HTTP server with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) enabled.

CORS is a mechanism that allows web browsers to securely make cross-origin requests, which means retrieving resources from a different domain or port. By default, web browsers restrict cross-origin requests due to security concerns. However, with CORS enabled, certain resources can be accessed from other domains.

When running the http-server --cors command, it starts an HTTP server that allows cross-origin requests. This can be useful during web development when you have separate client and server applications running on different domains/ports, and you need to access resources from the server in the client application.

By enabling CORS, the server includes additional headers in its responses to inform the client browser that it accepts cross-origin requests. This way, the browser can safely make those requests without causing any security breaches.

It's important to note that enabling CORS doesn't mean any website can access the server's resources. The server can still specify restrictions by configuring the appropriate CORS headers to allow only specific domains or methods for cross-origin requests.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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