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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool http-server. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


http-server is a command line tool that allows you to quickly and easily create a local web server.

It is built using Node.js, a runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser.

With http-server, you can serve static files from a local directory such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, or any other files required for a web page.

The tool is incredibly simple to use as you just need to navigate to the directory containing your files and run the command "http-server" to start the server.

Once the server is running, you can access your files locally through a web browser by typing "localhost:8080" (by default) in the address bar.

It also supports options like specifying a different port number, caching files, setting the server's root directory, enabling HTTPS, or providing a fallback file to serve when a specific file is not found.

http-server provides useful logging information about each request received, including details such as the requested URL, response code, file size, and response time.

Furthermore, it supports automatic reloading of files upon changes, which means that any modifications to your files will be immediately reflected in the browser without needing to restart the server.

The tool is platform-independent, so it can be used on Windows, macOS, or Linux, making it highly versatile for web development and testing on different systems.

http-server is widely used for quick prototyping, local development, testing, and sharing websites or web applications in a local environment.

List of commands for http-server:

  • http-server:tldr:2ebc3 http-server: Start an HTTP server with logging disabled.
    $ http-server --silent
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  • http-server:tldr:3a0c9 http-server: Start an HTTPS server on the default port using the specified certificate.
    $ http-server --ssl --cert ${path-to-cert-pem} --key ${path-to-key-pem}
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  • http-server:tldr:586d4 http-server: Start an HTTP server using basic authentication.
    $ http-server --username ${username} --password ${password}
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  • http-server:tldr:66f1f http-server: Start an HTTP server with CORS enabled by including the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` header in all responses.
    $ http-server --cors
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  • http-server:tldr:702b3 http-server: Start an HTTP server and include the client's IP address in the output logging.
    $ http-server --log-ip
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  • http-server:tldr:87995 http-server: Start an HTTP server on a specific port to serve a specific directory.
    $ http-server ${path-to-directory} --port ${port}
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  • http-server:tldr:a0587 http-server: Start an HTTP server listening on the default port to serve the current directory.
    $ http-server
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  • http-server:tldr:b5dc7 http-server: Start an HTTP server with directory listings disabled.
    $ http-server -d ${false}
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tool overview