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http_load: Emulate 1000 requests at 5 concurrent requests at a time, based on a given URL list file.
$ http_load -parallel ${5} -fetches ${1000} ${path-to-urls-txt}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the "http_load" tool to load test a website. Here's a breakdown of the different parts of the command:

  • "http_load": It is the executable or the name of the tool that is being executed. It is a command-line tool designed for benchmarking and testing HTTP servers.
  • "-parallel": It is an option followed by a parameter "${5}". It sets the number of parallel connections to create when making HTTP requests. The value "${5}" suggests that the number of parallel connections is read from a variable or passed as an argument when running the command.
  • "-fetches": It is another option followed by a parameter "${1000}". It specifies the total number of fetches, which represents the total number of HTTP requests to be made during the load test. Similar to the previous option, the value "${1000}" implies that the number of fetches is obtained from a variable or argument when running the command.
  • "${path-to-urls-txt}": It is the path to a text file that contains the URLs or paths of the resources that will be requested during the load test. This file is provided as an argument to the command. Replace "${path-to-urls-txt}" with the actual path to the file.

In summary, the command executes the "http_load" tool with specific options ("-parallel" and "-fetches") and their corresponding parameters to configure the load test. It also requires a text file with URLs or paths to define what resources to request from the server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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