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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool http_load. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


http_load is a command line tool designed for testing and measuring the performance of web servers. It is used to conduct load testing, simulating multiple concurrent user requests to evaluate how a web server handles the load.

This tool supports both HTTP and HTTPS protocols, making it suitable for testing various types of web applications. It allows you to specify the number of concurrent connections to simulate realistic scenarios and evaluate the server's response time under different loads.

http_load is highly scalable and efficient, capable of generating thousands of requests per second on a single machine. It utilizes non-blocking I/O to ensure efficient resource utilization.

This tool provides detailed performance statistics, including requests per second, response time, and throughput, helping you identify performance bottlenecks and areas for improvement. It also supports the generation of output files in various formats, such as CSV and TSV, making it easy to analyze and visualize performance data.

http_load has built-in support for randomizing requests from a file, allowing you to simulate real-world usage patterns. It also supports specifying request rates to control the intensity of the load.

This tool is widely used by web developers and system administrators to stress test web servers before deployment, ensuring they can handle anticipated traffic and peak loads. It is available for various Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. It is open source software, allowing for customization and contribution from the user community.

In summary, http_load is a powerful and flexible command line tool that enables load testing and performance measurement of web servers, serving as a valuable resource for ensuring optimal web server performance.

List of commands for http_load:

  • http_load:tldr:36371 http_load: Emulate 1000 requests at 20 requests per second, based on a given URL list file.
    $ http_load -rate ${20} -fetches ${1000} ${path-to-urls-txt}
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  • http_load:tldr:6c224 http_load: Emulate 1000 requests at 5 concurrent requests at a time, based on a given URL list file.
    $ http_load -parallel ${5} -fetches ${1000} ${path-to-urls-txt}
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  • http_load:tldr:aec26 http_load: Emulate 20 requests based on a given URL list file per second for 60 seconds.
    $ http_load -rate ${20} -seconds ${60} ${path-to-urls-txt}
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  • http_load:tldr:c6d70 http_load: Emulate 5 concurrent requests based on a given URL list file for 60 seconds.
    $ http_load -parallel ${5} -seconds ${60} ${path-to-urls-txt}
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