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http_load: Emulate 5 concurrent requests based on a given URL list file for 60 seconds.
$ http_load -parallel ${5} -seconds ${60} ${path-to-urls-txt}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the http_load tool to load test a website or a set of URLs.

  • http_load: It is a command-line tool used to load test HTTP servers, i.e., to simulate and measure server performance under various load conditions.

The options used in the command are as follows:

  • -parallel ${5}: This option sets the number of parallel connections to be made concurrently. ${5} is a placeholder for a value, so you should replace ${5} with an actual number. This determines how many simultaneous requests will be made to the server.

  • -seconds ${60}: This option sets the duration of the test in seconds. ${60} is a placeholder for a value, so you should replace ${60} with an actual number. In this case, the test will last for 60 seconds.

  • ${path-to-urls-txt}: This is the path to a text file that contains a list of URLs to be requested during the load test. You need to replace ${path-to-urls-txt} with the actual path to the text file.

In summary, the command will use http_load to load test the URLs specified in the ${path-to-urls-txt} file. It will make 5 parallel connections for 60 seconds and measure the server's performance under this load.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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