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httpflow: Use a regular expression to filter requests by URLs.
$ httpflow -u '${regular_expression}'
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The command httpflow -u '${regular_expression}' is using the tool httpflow to filter and capture network traffic based on a regular expression.

Here is a breakdown of the command components:

  • httpflow: It is the name of the tool being used.
  • -u: It is a flag or option for the httpflow tool, indicating that we want to use a specific regular expression for filtering.
  • '${regular_expression}': It is the regular expression itself, enclosed in single quotes ('), which allows for matching specific patterns or text within the network traffic.

The regular expression ('${regular_expression}') should be replaced with an actual regular expression that defines the pattern of traffic to be captured. Regular expressions are a powerful way to match and filter data based on specific criteria, such as URLs, IP addresses, headers, etc. By providing a regular expression, httpflow will only capture network traffic that matches the specified pattern.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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