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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool httpflow. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


HTTPFlow is a command line tool that provides a way to capture and analyze HTTP traffic. It is built on top of the popular HTTP proxy server, mitmproxy.

This tool allows you to intercept and inspect HTTP requests and responses in real-time, making it useful for debugging, testing, and analyzing network traffic.

HTTPFlow can be used to capture HTTP traffic from any device on your network by acting as a transparent proxy. It supports both HTTP and HTTPS protocols, making it ideal for capturing encrypted traffic as well.

It offers various features like filtering, searching, and exporting the captured data in different formats such as JSON, PCAP, or CSV.

You can apply custom filters to capture only specific HTTP traffic based on various parameters like URL, headers, status codes, and more. This helps in efficiently narrowing down the captured data for analysis.

HTTPFlow also allows you to modify the intercepted traffic on the fly, giving you the ability to test different scenarios or simulate specific responses.

It has a user-friendly and intuitive command line interface, making it easy to navigate and interact with the captured traffic.

The tool provides detailed information about each request and response, including headers, cookies, timing, and content.

HTTPFlow is highly customizable, allowing you to modify and extend its functionality using Python scripts or plugins.

It can be integrated with other tools and frameworks, enabling powerful automation and integration capabilities.

Overall, HTTPFlow is a powerful command line tool that simplifies the interception, analysis, and modification of HTTP traffic for various purposes.

List of commands for httpflow:

  • httpflow:tldr:547ea httpflow: Use a regular expression to filter requests by URLs.
    $ httpflow -u '${regular_expression}'
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  • httpflow:tldr:656a6 httpflow: Capture traffic on all interfaces.
    $ httpflow -i ${any}
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  • httpflow:tldr:a2b3b httpflow: Write the output to a directory.
    $ httpflow -w ${path-to-directory}
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  • httpflow:tldr:a93ab httpflow: Use a bpf-style capture to filter the results.
    $ httpflow ${host httpbin-org or host baidu-com}
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  • httpflow:tldr:e238a httpflow: Read packets from pcap format binary file.
    $ httpflow -r ${out-cap}
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tool overview