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httpflow: Capture traffic on all interfaces.
$ httpflow -i ${any}
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The command httpflow -i ${any} is using the httpflow tool with the -i option to capture http/https traffic on a specific interface identified by the ${any} parameter.

Specifically, httpflow is a command-line packet capture tool that intercepts and captures HTTP/HTTPS traffic between a client and a server. It is used to inspect and analyze the content and structure of HTTP requests and responses.

The -i option in this command specifies the interface to listen on, and ${any} is a placeholder for any available network interface. By using ${any}, the command will capture traffic on all available interfaces.

In summary, this command is using the httpflow tool to capture and analyze HTTP/HTTPS traffic on all interfaces of the system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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