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httpie: Send a DELETE request with a given request header.
$ http DELETE ${https:--example-com-todos-7} ${API-Key:foo}
try on your machine

The command you provided is an HTTP request that makes use of the http command-line tool. It is making an HTTP DELETE request to the URL ${https:--example-com-todos-7} with an additional header API-Key: foo.

Let's break down the command:

  • http is a command-line tool commonly used to make HTTP requests.
  • DELETE is the HTTP method being used in this request. It indicates that the client wants to delete a resource at the given URL.
  • ${https:--example-com-todos-7} is a placeholder for the actual URL. The URL needs to be properly formatted and should be substituted in place of this placeholder. For example, if the intended URL is, it should be used instead.
  • ${API-Key:foo} is an additional header being sent in the request. It specifies the value of the API-Key header as foo. This header can be used for authentication or authorization purposes.

To successfully execute this command, replace the placeholders with their appropriate values and use a tool like httpie or curl to send the request.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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