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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool http. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.



List of commands for http:

  • http:tldr:1e408 http: Send form-encoded data.
    $ http --form ${example-org} ${name='bob'} ${profile_picture@'bob-png'}
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  • http:tldr:4b037 http: Send JSON object.
    $ http ${example-org} ${name='bob'}
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  • http:tldr:8535a http: Download a URL to a file.
    $ http --download ${example-org}
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  • http:tldr:e8df9 http: Pass a username and password for server authentication.
    $ http --auth ${username:password} ${example-org}
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  • httpie:tldr:12760 httpie: Follow redirects and show intermediary requests and responses.
    $ http --follow --all ${https:--example-com}
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  • httpie:tldr:204e7 httpie: Send a GET request (default method with no request data).
    $ http ${https:--example-com}
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  • httpie:tldr:3abd0 httpie: Send a POST request with redirected input.
    $ http ${https:--example-com} < ${file-json}
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  • httpie:tldr:8ec3f httpie: Send a PUT request with a given JSON body.
    $ http PUT ${https:--example-com-todos-7} ${hello=world}
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  • httpie:tldr:dafce httpie: Send a DELETE request with a given request header.
    $ http DELETE ${https:--example-com-todos-7} ${API-Key:foo}
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  • httpie:tldr:fdbc0 httpie: Show the whole HTTP exchange (both request and response).
    $ http -v ${https:--example-com}
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