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httpry: Listen on a specific interface and save output to a binary pcap format file.
$ httpry ${eth0} -b ${filename-pcap}
try on your machine

This command is using the httpry tool to capture and analyze HTTP traffic on a specific network interface (specified as ${eth0}) and save the captured data to a PCAP (Packet Capture) file with the filename ${filename-pcap}.

Here is the breakdown of the different parts of the command:

  1. httpry: This is the command to run the httpry tool, which is a flexible HTTP packet sniffer and analyzer.

  2. ${eth0}: The ${eth0} is a placeholder for specifying the network interface from which to capture the HTTP traffic. In this case, eth0 is commonly used to represent the first Ethernet network interface on a system. However, you may need to replace ${eth0} with the appropriate network interface name for your system (e.g., eth1, en0, etc.).

  3. -b: This option is used to enable binary output for the captured packets. It tells httpry to save the captured HTTP traffic in a binary format rather than converting it to a human-readable format.

  4. ${filename-pcap}: The ${filename-pcap} is a placeholder for specifying the filename of the PCAP file where the captured HTTP traffic will be saved. You can replace ${filename-pcap} with the desired name for your PCAP file. Make sure to include the file extension .pcap.

In summary, this command executes httpry to capture HTTP traffic on a specific network interface and saves the captured data in a binary format to a PCAP file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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