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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool httpry. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


httpry is a command line tool used for capturing and analyzing HTTP traffic in real-time. It is designed to work on various platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

The tool operates by capturing packets from network interfaces and decodes them to extract HTTP requests and responses. It tracks essential details such as request methods, URL paths, response codes, and content lengths.

httpry provides a comprehensive summary of captured traffic, including the number of packets, requests, responses, and bytes transferred. This information is crucial for network administrators and developers to analyze and troubleshoot HTTP-based applications.

It can filter captured packets based on various criteria such as source/destination IP addresses, specific URLs, and request/response methods. This feature allows for targeted analysis and reduces the amount of irrelevant data.

The captured data can be logged to a file or printed to the console in real-time. This flexibility enables users to monitor HTTP traffic on the command line or store it for further analysis later.

Additionally, httpry supports both IPv4 and IPv6, making it compatible with modern network environments.

One of the notable advantages of httpry is its ability to handle high-traffic networks efficiently. It achieves this through packet filtering and minimal processing overhead.

The tool also supports SSL/TLS decryption, allowing users to analyze encrypted HTTPS traffic by providing the necessary SSL private key.

httpry is lightweight, easy to install, and does not require any external dependencies, making it convenient to set up and use on various systems.

Lastly, it provides a simple and intuitive command line interface, making it accessible to both experienced and novice users for network monitoring and HTTP traffic analysis purposes.

List of commands for httpry:

  • httpry:tldr:23a97 httpry: Read from an input capture file and filter by IP.
    $ httpry -r ${filename-log} '${host 192-168-5-25}'
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  • httpry:tldr:5bee6 httpry: Listen on a specific interface and save output to a binary pcap format file.
    $ httpry ${eth0} -b ${filename-pcap}
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  • httpry:tldr:88779 httpry: Filter output by a comma-separated list of HTTP verbs.
    $ httpry -m ${select}
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  • httpry:tldr:d121b httpry: Run as daemon process.
    $ httpry -d -o ${filename-log}
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  • httpry:tldr:d4f0a httpry: Save output to a file.
    $ httpry -o ${filename-log}
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tool overview