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hub: Push the current local branch to GitHub and create a PR for it in the original repository.
$ hub push ${remote_name} && hub pull-request
try on your machine

This command is used in the context of the "hub" command-line tool, which provides additional functionality to interact with GitHub from the terminal.

The command can be broken down into two parts:

  1. hub push ${remote_name}: This part pushes your local branch to a remote repository specified by ${remote_name}. The ${remote_name} variable is expected to be replaced with the actual name of the remote repository.

    Essentially, this command is similar to the standard git push command, but with some additional features provided by the "hub" tool.

  2. && hub pull-request: This part creates a pull request on the remote repository from the branch that was just pushed in the previous command.

    The && operator is a logical AND operator in command-line syntax. It allows the second part of the command to execute only if the first part succeeds.

    The hub pull-request command is a shortcut provided by the "hub" tool to create a pull request without having to manually navigate to the GitHub website. It opens a new pull request directly from the command line, using the branch that was just pushed.

By combining the two parts with &&, the entire command pushes the local branch to a remote repository and then automatically opens a pull request for that branch on the same remote repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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