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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool hub. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Hub is a powerful command-line tool that enhances the functionality of Git. It is written in Go and designed to make working with GitHub repositories more efficient. Hub integrates seamlessly with Git, providing additional commands that simplify common GitHub-related tasks.

One of the key features of Hub is the ability to create, clone, and fork GitHub repositories directly from the command line without needing to leave the terminal. This streamlines the repository management process for developers.

Hub also enables users to easily open pull requests, check issue statuses, and manage project boards from the command line, allowing for a more streamlined workflow. It simplifies the process of contributing to open-source projects hosted on GitHub by automatically forking the repository and creating a branch for your changes.

In addition, Hub provides a cohesive command-line interface for interacting with GitHub APIs, allowing developers to script and automate various tasks like creating releases, managing labels, and even integrating with CI/CD pipelines.

With its intuitive commands and deep integration with Git, Hub provides an efficient and seamless GitHub experience for developers who prefer the command-line interface. It is widely used and supported by the GitHub community, making it a valuable tool for anyone working with GitHub repositories.

Overall, Hub is a versatile and powerful command-line tool that extends Git's capabilities and simplifies various tasks related to GitHub repositories, making it an essential tool for developers who work extensively with Git and GitHub.

List of commands for hub:

  • hub:tldr:28c59 hub: Push the current local branch to GitHub and create a PR for it in the original repository.
    $ hub push ${remote_name} && hub pull-request
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  • hub:tldr:2cb2c hub: Create a new branch with the contents of a pull request and switch to it.
    $ hub pr checkout ${pr_number}
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  • hub:tldr:45d41 hub: Create a fork of the current repository (cloned from another user) under your GitHub profile.
    $ hub fork
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  • hub:tldr:500a2 hub: Clone a repository using its slug (owners can omit the username).
    $ hub clone ${username}/${repo_name}
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  • hub:tldr:9c00f hub: Create a PR of the current (already pushed) branch, reusing the message from the first commit.
    $ hub pull-request --no-edit
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  • hub:tldr:ec616 hub: Fetch Git objects from upstream and update local branches.
    $ hub sync
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  • hub:tldr:f3961 hub: Upload the current (local-only) repository to your GitHub account.
    $ hub create
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    explain this command
tool overview