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hub: Create a fork of the current repository (cloned from another user) under your GitHub profile.
$ hub fork
try on your machine

The command "hub fork" allows you to create a fork of a repository on GitHub using the command-line tool called "hub."

Usually, a fork is created to make changes to an existing repository without directly modifying the original repository. This enables you to have your own copy of the repository where you can make changes, experiment, and contribute back to the original repository if desired.

When you use the "hub fork" command, it:

  1. Checks if you have the "hub" tool installed. If not, it prompts you to install it.
  2. Authenticates you with GitHub if you are not already logged in.
  3. Prompts you for your GitHub account password to verify your identity.
  4. Creates a fork of the specified repository under your GitHub account.

The syntax for the command is:

hub fork [options] [ORGANIZATION/]REPOSITORY

Here, the "ORGANIZATION/" part is optional and only needed when forking a repository that belongs to an organization instead of a personal account. Similarly, "options" allow you to customize the behavior of the command.

Once the fork is created, you will have a separate copy of the repository under your GitHub account, which you can clone, make changes to, and push to your fork. To keep your fork up-to-date with the changes made to the original repository, you can create pull requests or perform a sync operation using the "hub sync" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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