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hub: Create a PR of the current (already pushed) branch, reusing the message from the first commit.
$ hub pull-request --no-edit
try on your machine

The command "hub pull-request --no-edit" is used to create a pull request on GitHub using the command-line tool "hub". Here is a breakdown of the command and its options: - "hub": "hub" is a command-line tool that extends Git with additional functionality for working with GitHub repositories. - "pull-request": This is the subcommand that tells "hub" to create a pull request. - "--no-edit": This option tells "hub" not to open an editor for modifying the pull request's description. It means that the pull request will be created with an empty or default description, depending on the configuration of the repository. By using "hub pull-request --no-edit", you can quickly create a pull request without going through the interface on the GitHub website or without manually editing the pull request description in an editor.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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