The command "i3lock --no-unlock-indicator" is used to activate the i3lock screen locker utility while disabling the unlock indicator.
i3lock is a lightweight screen locker for the i3 window manager, primarily used on Linux systems. It is designed to lock the screen and prevent unauthorized access when you step away from your computer. When i3lock is activated, it will prompt for a password or other authentication method to unlock the screen.
The "--no-unlock-indicator" option is used to disable the unlock indicator that appears on the i3lock screen by default. The unlock indicator is a text or graphic element that displays information such as the password prompt or the progress of unlocking the screen. By using this option, the unlock indicator will not be shown on the lock screen, providing a cleaner and more minimalistic appearance.
Overall, the command "i3lock --no-unlock-indicator" will activate the i3lock screen locker without displaying the default unlock indicator on the lock screen.