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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool i3lock. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


i3lock is a command-line tool for locking the screen on Linux systems. It provides a simple yet powerful way to secure your desktop when you're away.

  1. i3lock is primarily designed for the i3 window manager, but it can also be used with other desktop environments.
  2. It supports various authentication methods, including password, PIN, or image-based unlock.
  3. When activated, i3lock freezes the display and prompts the user for the chosen authentication method.
  4. Its minimalistic design ensures that only essential information is displayed on the screen, preventing others from accessing your system.
  5. It blurs the screen content to maintain privacy and prevent sensitive information from being visible.
  6. i3lock allows customization through various configuration options, such as changing the background color, clock format, or lock icon.
  7. It supports multi-monitor setups, locking each screen individually to provide better security.
  8. i3lock is lightweight and resource-friendly, ensuring a smooth experience even on older or low-powered systems.
  9. The tool is highly customizable, allowing users to replace the default lock screen with their own image or logo.
  10. i3lock has a modular design, which enables it to work seamlessly and integrate with other tools in the i3 ecosystem, making it highly versatile.

List of commands for i3lock:

  • i3lock:tldr:123fc i3lock: Lock the screen with a simple color background (rrggbb format).
    $ i3lock --color ${0000ff}
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  • i3lock:tldr:1c298 i3lock: Lock the screen to a PNG background.
    $ i3lock --image ${filename-png}
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  • i3lock:tldr:2ac25 i3lock: Lock the screen and disable the unlock indicator (removes feedback on keypress).
    $ i3lock --no-unlock-indicator
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  • i3lock:tldr:5f9ad i3lock: Lock the screen to a PNG background tiled over all monitors.
    $ i3lock --image ${filename-png} --tiling
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  • i3lock:tldr:b5e9a i3lock: Lock the screen showing a white background.
    $ i3lock
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  • i3lock:tldr:cd946 i3lock: Lock the screen and show the number of failed login attempts.
    $ i3lock --show-failed-attempts
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  • i3lock:tldr:dfff7 i3lock: Lock the screen and don't hide the mouse pointer.
    $ i3lock --pointer ${default}
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tool overview