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i3lock: Lock the screen to a PNG background tiled over all monitors.
$ i3lock --image ${filename-png} --tiling
try on your machine

The command i3lock is used to lock the screen on a Linux system running the i3 window manager. It prevents unauthorized access to the system while it is locked.

The --image option is used to specify the path to an image file that will be displayed as the lock screen background. In this case, ${filename-png} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path and filename of a PNG image file.

The --tiling option is used to enable the tiling mode for the lock screen. Normally, a lock screen displays a single background image, but with this option, the image will be tiled and repeated to cover the entire screen. This can be useful for images with a lower resolution than the screen.

So, when you run the provided command, it will lock the screen using the specified image file as the background, and the image will be tiled to fill the screen.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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