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i3lock: Lock the screen and show the number of failed login attempts.
$ i3lock --show-failed-attempts
try on your machine

The command "i3lock --show-failed-attempts" is used to lock the screen using the i3lock tool and show the number of failed unlock attempts on the screen.

i3lock is a simple screen locker utility for X that locks the screen by displaying a full-screen overlay. It is commonly used in the i3 window manager.

The "--show-failed-attempts" option is specifically used to display the number of failed unlock attempts on the lock screen itself. This can be useful to inform the user about the number of unsuccessful attempts made to unlock their system. It provides feedback on the security of the lock and alerts the user to any suspicious activity.

By including this option in the command, the lock screen will not only prevent unauthorized access to the system but also display the number of unsuccessful unlock attempts, helping the user keep track of any suspicious activities.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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