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i3status: Print the status line to `stdout` periodically, using a specific configuration.
$ i3status -c ${path-to-i3status-conf}
try on your machine

The i3status command is a program used to generate a status bar for the i3 window manager. It displays various information about the system, such as time, date, battery status, and more.

The -c option in the command is used to specify a custom configuration file for i3status to use. The ${path-to-i3status-conf} portion of the command should be replaced with the actual file path to your custom configuration file.

By providing a custom configuration file, you can customize the appearance and behavior of the status bar according to your preferences. The configuration file contains settings and modules that determine what information is displayed in the status bar and how it is formatted.

So, when you run the i3status -c ${path-to-i3status-conf} command, i3status will execute using the specified custom configuration file, which will define how the status bar appears and what information it displays.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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