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ical: Display the current month's calendar.
$ ical
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The "ical" command is a software program used to manage and view iCalendar files. iCalendar is a file format used for storing and sharing calendar data. With the "ical" command, you can perform various operations on iCalendar files, such as viewing the contents, importing/exporting calendar data, creating events, and managing calendar events and appointments.

The specific functionality and options available with the "ical" command can vary depending on the operating system and version of the software you are using. Some common examples of commands that can be used with "ical" include:

  • ical -l: Lists all the events and appointments stored in the iCalendar file.
  • ical -e: Edits the iCalendar file, allowing you to add or modify events and appointments.
  • ical -r: Removes events or appointments from the iCalendar file.
  • ical -i file.ics: Imports events and appointments from an iCalendar file into your local calendar.
  • ical -o file.ics: Exports events and appointments from your local calendar to an iCalendar file.

These are just some examples, and the specific commands and options may vary. It's recommended to refer to the documentation or help files of your specific "ical" implementation for more detailed information on its usage and available commands.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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