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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ical. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


iCal is a command line tool that allows users to interact with iCalendar files. It is primarily used for tasks related to managing events and schedules.

  1. iCal is a popular command line tool developed for Unix and Unix-like systems.
  2. It can be used to create, read, update, and delete events in iCalendar files.
  3. iCalendar, often abbreviated as iCal, is a standard format for exchanging calendar and scheduling information.
  4. iCal supports various commands that allow users to perform specific operations on iCalendar files.
  5. Some of the common commands include add, modify, delete, and list.
  6. Using the add command, users can easily create new events by specifying the event details such as title, date, time, and duration.
  7. The modify command allows users to make changes to existing events, such as updating the start time or modifying the event description.
  8. With the delete command, users can remove specific events from the iCalendar file.
  9. The list command provides a concise overview of all the events in the iCalendar file, displaying important details like event title and date.
  10. iCal is a powerful tool for automating calendar-related tasks and can be integrated into scripts or used in conjunction with other command line tools to build complex workflows.

List of commands for ical:

  • ical:tldr:28365 ical: Convert a Hirji date to a Gregorian date.
    $ ical --hijri ${yyyymmdd}
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  • ical:tldr:5ecf1 ical: Display the current month's calendar.
    $ ical
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  • ical:tldr:b9fd8 ical: Convert a Gregorian date to a Hijri date.
    $ ical --gregorian ${yyyymmdd}
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tool overview