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icalbuddy: Show uncompleted tasks.
$ icalBuddy uncompletedTasks
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The command "icalBuddy uncompletedTasks" likely refers to a specific command within the icalBuddy application.

icalBuddy is a command-line utility for macOS that allows you to interact with and extract information from the macOS calendar (iCal) application. It provides various commands to retrieve events, reminders, to-do items, and other calendar-related data.

In this specific command, "uncompletedTasks" is used to extract the uncompleted tasks or to-do items from the user's calendar. It will retrieve a list of all tasks that have not yet been marked as completed. This can be useful for managing and organizing to-do lists or tasks within the calendar application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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