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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool icalBuddy. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


icalBuddy is a powerful command line tool designed for users of macOS, allowing them to access and interact with their iCal or Calendar events directly from the terminal. With its intuitive syntax, users can perform a wide range of operations related to event management. icalBuddy can be used to display the upcoming events, filter events based on various criteria such as dates or event titles, and even extract event details like start and end times, locations, and notes. It offers different formatting options to customize the output according to the user's preference, including plain text, csv, or JSON formats. Additionally, icalBuddy supports interaction with multiple iCal or Calendar accounts and is easily extensible with various plugins for added functionality. It is a versatile tool that simplifies event handling and retrieval for macOS users through the command line interface.

List of commands for icalBuddy:

  • icalbuddy:tldr:006d3 icalbuddy: Show tasks for a specified number of days.
    $ icalBuddy --includeOnlyEventsFromNowOn "tasksDueBefore:today+${8}"
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  • icalbuddy:tldr:87e69 icalbuddy: Show a formatted list separated by calendar for all events today.
    $ icalBuddy --formatOutput --separateByCalendar eventsToday
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  • icalbuddy:tldr:9fc96 icalbuddy: Show uncompleted tasks.
    $ icalBuddy uncompletedTasks
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  • icalbuddy:tldr:9fe98 icalbuddy: Show events later today.
    $ icalBuddy --includeOnlyEventsFromNowOn eventsToday
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  • icalbuddy:tldr:c85de icalbuddy: Show events in a time range.
    $ icalBuddy eventsFrom:${start_date} to:${end_date}
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tool overview