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id3v2: Display help.
$ id3v2 --help
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The command "id3v2 --help" is used to display the help manual or documentation for the id3v2 command-line tool.

Id3v2 is a command-line utility used for manipulating ID3 tags, which are metadata containers commonly found in audio files such as MP3s. These tags contain information like the title, artist, album, track number, and other details of the audio file.

When you run the "id3v2 --help" command, it will display a list of available options and commands that you can use with id3v2. This help manual provides detailed information on how to use the command and its various options, allowing you to understand the functionality and usage of the id3v2 tool better.

By reading the information provided in the help manual, you can learn how to modify or edit ID3 tags, such as adding or changing the title, artist, album, or other information of audio files using the id3v2 command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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