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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool id3v2. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


id3v2 is a command line tool used for manipulating metadata tags in MP3 files. It is specifically designed to work with the ID3v2 standard, which is a widely used metadata tagging format for MP3 files.

With id3v2, you can easily view, edit, and remove various types of ID3v2 tags such as artist, album, title, track number, genre, and more. This tool offers a convenient way to modify or update the metadata associated with your MP3 files.

The command line interface of id3v2 allows users to perform batch operations, making it efficient for managing large collections of music files. In addition to modifying existing tags, id3v2 can also add new tags or completely replace the existing tags in an MP3 file.

id3v2 supports many ID3v2 versions including ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4. It provides options to select the ID3v2 version for reading or writing tags, ensuring compatibility with different MP3 players and software.

Users can use id3v2 to set various tag attributes such as language, copyright, URL, and more, providing a comprehensive way to organize and describe MP3 files.

id3v2 also offers options for managing album artwork, allowing users to add, delete, or extract cover images from MP3 files.

This command line tool is open-source, which means it is freely available for use and can be modified or distributed as per the user's requirements.

id3v2 is compatible with various operating systems including Linux, macOS, and Windows, providing cross-platform functionality.

It offers a simple and intuitive syntax, making it accessible for both advanced users and beginners who are comfortable working with command line tools.

Overall, id3v2 is a powerful and versatile command line tool for managing and manipulating metadata tags in MP3 files, offering flexibility and control over your music collection.

List of commands for id3v2:

  • id3v2:tldr:0cf58 id3v2: List all genres.
    $ id3v2 ‐‐list‐genres
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  • id3v2:tldr:15b7c id3v2: Display help.
    $ id3v2 --help
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  • id3v2:tldr:4d5dd id3v2: List all tags of specific files.
    $ id3v2 --list-tags ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • id3v2:tldr:68cac id3v2: Display version.
    $ id3v2 ‐‐version
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  • id3v2:tldr:9b63d id3v2: Delete all `id3v2` or `id3v1` tags of specific files.
    $ id3v2 ${select} ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • mid3v2:tldr:0f9e8 mid3v2: Set specific year information.
    $ id3v2 --year=${YYYY} ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
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  • mid3v2:tldr:448c2 mid3v2: List all supported ID3v1 numeric genres.
    $ id3v2 --list-genres ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
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  • mid3v2:tldr:45c0b mid3v2: Set specific artist, album, or song information.
    $ id3v2 ${select}=${string} ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
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  • mid3v2:tldr:7fd00 mid3v2: Set specific date information.
    $ id3v2 --date=${YYYY-MM-DD} ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
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  • mid3v2:tldr:83ab7 mid3v2: List all supported ID3v2.3 or ID3v2.4 frames and their meanings.
    $ id3v2 --list-frames ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
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  • mid3v2:tldr:b97f8 mid3v2: Set specific picture information.
    $ id3v2 --picture=${filename:description:image_type:mime_type} ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
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  • mid3v2:tldr:fc32a mid3v2: List all tags in specific files.
    $ id3v2 --list ${filename1-mp3 filename2-mp3 ---}
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tool overview