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if: Check whether a variable is defined.
$ if [[ -n "$${variable}" ]]; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
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This command is using the if statement in a shell script to check if a variable named "variable" has a non-empty value.

Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. if keyword: This starts the if statement block.
  2. [[ -n "$${variable}" ]]: This is a conditional expression to check if the variable "variable" has a non-empty value. The -n flag checks if the length of the value is non-zero. The dollar signs and double curly braces ($${}) are used to escape the variable name within the conditional expression.
  3. then keyword: This indicates the start of the block of code to be executed if the condition is true.
  4. ${echo "Condition is true"}: This is a command to be executed if the condition is true. It is using the echo command to print the message "Condition is true". The dollar sign and curly braces (${}) are used to identify and expand the command.
  5. fi: This keyword marks the end of the if statement block.

In summary, this command checks if the variable "variable" has a non-empty value and if true, it prints the message "Condition is true" using the echo command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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