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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool if. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "if" command line tool is a powerful conditional statement utility in various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Unix. Its primary purpose is to execute specific commands based on certain conditions.

The "if" command typically follows a specific syntax structure, where conditions and actions are defined. It allows for conditional branching in a script or a batch file, which means different command sequences are executed depending on whether the condition is met or not.

The conditions in the "if" command can be based on various factors, such as file existence, file attributes, string comparisons, numeric comparisons, and more. This flexibility enables users to create intricate decision-making processes in their scripts.

The "if" command can be used in combination with other command line tools, such as "else" and "goto," to create more complex scenarios. For example, "else" can be used to define alternative actions when the condition is not met, and "goto" can be used to jump to specific sections of the script based on certain conditions.

The output of an "if" command is usually the execution of specific commands or the printing of specific messages on the command line interface.

When an "if" condition is met, the subsequent command sequence will be executed. If the condition is not met, the command sequence following the "else" statement (if provided) will be executed instead.

The "if" command is extensible, allowing for the use of logical operators like "and" or "or" to combine multiple conditions. This allows for more complex decision making in scripts.

The "if" command can also be used to compare string values, where operators like "==" (equal), "!=" (not equal), "<" (less than), ">" (greater than), and others can be utilized.

In addition to comparing conditions, the "if" command can also test the return codes of previous commands and act accordingly.

Overall, the "if" command line tool is a fundamental component in scripting, providing conditional branching based on various factors and enabling efficient decision-making processes.

List of commands for if:

  • if:tldr:0094b if: Execute the first specified commands if the condition is true otherwise execute the second specified commands.
    $ if ${condition} (${echo Condition is true}) else (${echo Condition is false})
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  • if:tldr:1ab59 if: Check whether a [f]ile exists.
    $ if [[ -f ${filename} ]]; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
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  • if:tldr:3f69a if: Check whether a variable is defined.
    $ if [[ -n "$${variable}" ]]; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
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  • if:tldr:564bf if: Execute the specified commands if the condition command's exit status is not zero.
    $ if ! ${condition_command}; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
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  • if:tldr:79094 if: Check whether `%errorlevel%` is greater than or equal to the specified exit code.
    $ if errorlevel ${2} (${echo Condition is true})
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  • if:tldr:86ce1 if: Execute the specified commands if the condition is false.
    $ if not ${condition} (${echo Condition is true})
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  • if:tldr:8bb92 if: Check whether a file exist.
    $ if exist ${path\to\file} (${echo Condition is true})
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  • if:tldr:a1386 if: Check whether a [d]irectory exists.
    $ if [[ -d ${path-to-directory} ]]; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
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  • if:tldr:bee77 if: Execute the first specified commands if the condition command's exit status is zero otherwise execute the second specified commands.
    $ if ${condition_command}; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; else ${echo "Condition is false"}; fi
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  • if:tldr:c26d6 if: Execute the specified commands if the condition is true.
    $ if ${condition} (${echo Condition is true})
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  • if:tldr:e8cf6 if: Check whether two strings are equal without respecting letter case.
    $ if /i %${variable}% == ${string} (${echo Condition is true})
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  • if:tldr:f4017 if: Check whether a file or directory [e]xists.
    $ if [[ -e ${filename_or_directory} ]]; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
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  • if:tldr:f5f92 if: Execute the specified commands if the condition command's exit status is zero.
    $ if ${condition_command}; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
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  • if:tldr:f8de8 if: Check whether two strings are equal.
    $ if %${variable}% == ${string} (${echo Condition is true})
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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