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if: Execute the specified commands if the condition command's exit status is not zero.
$ if ! ${condition_command}; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
try on your machine

This command is the syntax for an if statement in bash scripting. The overall structure of the if statement is:

if CONDITION; then
    # Commands to be executed if the condition is true

In this specific case, the condition_command is the condition that is being checked for truth or false. The ! operator is used to negate the result of the condition_command, meaning that if the condition_command returns false, the negation (!) will turn it true, and vice versa.

If the condition_command evaluates to true (executing the subsequent commands), the command echo "Condition is true" will be executed, which simply prints the string "Condition is true" to the console. If the condition_command evaluates to false, the echo command will not be executed.

To summarize, this command checks the condition_command and if it returns false, it prints "Condition is true" to the console.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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