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if: Check whether a file or directory [e]xists.
$ if [[ -e ${filename_or_directory} ]]; then ${echo "Condition is true"}; fi
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This command is a basic shell script command used for conditional branching.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  1. if [[ -e ${filename_or_directory} ]]; then - This is the start of the if statement. It checks if the file or directory specified by ${filename_or_directory} exists or not.

    • [[ -e ${filename_or_directory} ]] : -e is a test operator which checks if the file or directory exists. ${filename_or_directory} should be replaced with the actual name or path of the file or directory you want to check.
  2. ${echo "Condition is true"} - This is the command to execute if the condition inside the if statement is true. In this case, it will simply display the message "Condition is true".

Note: ${} is used to reference the value of a variable.

  1. fi - This marks the end of the if statement.

So, in summary, if the file or directory specified by ${filename_or_directory} exists, it will execute the command echo "Condition is true". If it does not exist, the command inside the if statement will be skipped.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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