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in-toto-record: Start the record (creates a preliminary link file).
$ in-toto-record start -n ${edit-files} -k ${path-to-key_file} -m ${-}
try on your machine

The command you provided specifies the execution of the "in-toto-record" tool with the "start" subcommand. This tool is typically used in supply chain security to record and verify the steps performed during a software build or execution process.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • in-toto-record: This is the name of the tool that will be executed.
  • start: This argument specifies the subcommand to be executed by the "in-toto-record" tool. The "start" subcommand is used at the beginning of a workflow to initiate the recording process.
  • -n ${edit-files}: This option specifies the name of the step being recorded. The value ${edit-files} should be replaced with the actual name of the step. It is common to use descriptive names that reflect the actions being performed in the step.
  • -k ${path-to-key_file}: This option specifies the path to the private key file used to sign the resulting record. The value ${path-to-key_file} should be replaced with the actual path to the private key file.
  • -m ${-}: This option specifies the metadata to be included in the record. The value ${-} is a placeholder indicating that the metadata will be read from the standard input. This allows you to provide additional information about the step being recorded.

Overall, this command starts the recording of a step using the "in-toto-record" tool, providing the step's name, the private key for signing, and any metadata through standard input.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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