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in-toto-record: Stop the record (expects a preliminary link file).
$ in-toto-record stop -n ${edit-files} -k ${path-to-key_file} -p ${-}
try on your machine

This command is using the in-toto framework's "in-toto-record" tool to stop the recording process for a specified set of files. Let's break down the command arguments:

  • "in-toto-record" is the name of the tool/command being executed.

  • "stop" is the subcommand used to stop the recording process.

  • "-n ${edit-files}" specifies the option to include the names and hashes of the files being recorded. The "${edit-files}" variable should be replaced with the actual list of files you want to record.

  • "-k ${path-to-key_file}" specifies the option to provide the path to the key file used for signing the resulting metadata. The "${path-to-key_file}" variable should be replaced with the actual location of the key file.

  • "-p ${-}" is used to specify the passphrases for the key file (if any). "${-}" refers to the argument that would allow you to provide the passphrase interactively at the command line.

In summary, this command stops the in-toto recording process for a given set of files, using a specified key file for signing the recorded metadata and potentially needing a passphrase for the key file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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