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install: Copy files to the destination, setting their `mode`.
$ install --mode ${+x} ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}
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The given command is:

install --mode ${+x} ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}

This command is likely used in a Unix/Linux terminal to install or move files from source locations to a destination location. Let's break down each component:

  • install: This is the command being executed. It is used to install files or directories into specific locations.

  • --mode ${+x}: The --mode option is used to specify the permissions or mode of the installed file or directory. In this case, the ${+x} is likely a placeholder or variable that holds the desired mode or permissions for the installation. The +x typically represents the executable permission.

  • ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---}: This part represents the source files or directories that will be installed or moved. path-to-source_file1 and path-to-source_file2 are placeholders for the actual paths to the source files or directories. These can be replaced with the specific paths of the files you want to install or move. The --- at the end is likely used to separate the source files from the destination.

  • ${path-to-destination}: This is the path to the destination where the source files will be installed or moved to. It is the folder or directory which will contain the installed files. Replace path-to-destination with the actual desired destination path.

Therefore, this command can be used to install or move files with specific permissions from source locations to a destination. The exact purpose and behavior of the command depend on the specific values you provide for the source files, destination, and permissions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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