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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool install. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "install" command line tool is used to install software or packages onto a computer system. It is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux.

The "install" command copies files and sets the correct permissions and ownerships on them. It ensures that the files are correctly placed in the system directories.

The tool allows users to specify the source file or directory, the destination directory, and additional options.

Options like "-m" can be used to set the file mode, "-o" to set the owner, and "-g" to set the group.

If the destination directory already contains a file with the same name, the "install" command can be used to overwrite or preserve the existing file based on user preference.

It also supports options like "-D" to create directories recursively, "-b" to create a backup of the target file, and "-p" to preserve the timestamps of the installed files.

The "install" command is often used in installation scripts or makefiles to automate the installation process.

For example, developers can use it to install their software on multiple machines with a single command.

The command is versatile and can be used for installing various types of software, including programs, libraries, and configuration files.

Overall, the "install" command is a powerful tool that simplifies the installation process and ensures files are correctly placed within a system.

List of commands for install:

  • install:tldr:4de0a install: Copy files to the destination, setting their `mode`.
    $ install --mode ${+x} ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}
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  • install:tldr:56bfb install: Copy files and apply access/modification times of source to the destination.
    $ install --preserve-timestamps ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}
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  • install:tldr:9606c install: Copy files to the destination, setting their group ownership.
    $ install --group ${user} ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}
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  • install:tldr:b67fc install: Copy files to the destination.
    $ install ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}
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  • install:tldr:d2f79 install: Copy files to the destination, setting their ownership.
    $ install --owner ${user} ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}
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  • install:tldr:e50f2 install: Copy files and create the directories at the destination if they don't exist.
    $ install -D ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}
    try on your machine
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