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install: Copy files and apply access/modification times of source to the destination.
$ install --preserve-timestamps ${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---} ${path-to-destination}
try on your machine

This command is requesting the installation of one or more source files into a specified destination directory while preserving their original timestamps. Here is a breakdown of each element:

  • "install": This is the main command that instructs the system to install or copy files.
  • "--preserve-timestamps": This is an option that tells the installation process to maintain the original timestamps of the source files after copying them to the destination.
  • "${path-to-source_file1 path-to-source_file2 ---}": These are placeholders representing paths to the source files that need to be installed. You would replace them with the actual paths of the files you want to copy. Multiple source files can be specified, separated by spaces.
  • "${path-to-destination}": This is another placeholder indicating the path to the destination directory where the source files will be copied to. You would replace it with the desired directory path.

Overall, this command copies the specified source files to the provided destination directory while ensuring that their original timestamps (e.g., creation time, modification time) are preserved.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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