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ipaggcreate: Group and count packets read from a network interface by IP packet length.
$ ipaggcreate --interface ${eth0} --length
try on your machine

The ipaggcreate command is used to create an aggregated IP interface. Here is the explanation of each part of the command:

  • ipaggcreate: The command itself, which initiates the creation of an aggregated IP interface.
  • --interface: This option is used to specify the interface that will be aggregated. ${eth0} is a placeholder which likely represents the first Ethernet interface on the machine. It is common to use the naming convention ethX (e.g., eth0, eth1, etc.) to represent network interfaces.
  • --length: This option is used to specify the length (also known as the subnet mask) of the aggregated IP interface. The length determines the number of bits in the IP address that represent the network portion. The value after --length should be a number representing the desired length.

To use this command, you would replace ${eth0} with the actual name of the interface you want to aggregate (e.g., eth0, enp0s1, etc.), and provide a valid length value according to your network requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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