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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ipaggcreate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The ipaggcreate command line tool is a utility used for creating IP address aggregates. An IP address aggregate refers to a range of consecutive IP addresses.

When using ipaggcreate, you can specify the starting and ending IP addresses of the desired aggregate range. The tool then generates an output, listing all the IP addresses included within that range.

This tool is particularly useful for network administrators who want to manage large sets of IP addresses at once. By creating aggregates, it becomes easier to allocate and assign IP addresses in a more organized manner.

Additionally, the output generated by ipaggcreate can be redirected to a file, allowing administrators to store and reference the IP address information in the future.

It is worth noting that this command line tool may require the user to have sufficient administrative rights or privileges to execute the command successfully.

The ipaggcreate command is highly versatile, allowing for the creation of IP address aggregates in various formats, such as IPv4 or IPv6. This flexibility ensures that administrators can work with different types of IP addressing schemes based on their network requirements.

Furthermore, the ipaggcreate command line tool may offer additional options, such as sorting the generated IP addresses in a specific order or excluding certain IP addresses from the output.

Overall, ipaggcreate simplifies the process of creating IP address aggregates and offers efficient management capabilities for network administrators dealing with large IP address ranges.

List of commands for ipaggcreate:

  • ipaggcreate:tldr:18935 ipaggcreate: Count the number of bytes sent between each address pair appearing in a pcap file.
    $ ipaggcreate --address-pairs --bytes ${filename-pcap}
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    explain this command
  • ipaggcreate:tldr:318e0 ipaggcreate: Group and count packets read from a network interface by IP packet length.
    $ ipaggcreate --interface ${eth0} --length
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  • ipaggcreate:tldr:673a9 ipaggcreate: Count the number of packets sent from each source address appearing in a pcap file.
    $ ipaggcreate --src ${filename-pcap}
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tool overview