iverilog: Preprocess Verilog code without compiling.
$ iverilog -E ${path-to-source-v}
try on your machine
The command "iverilog -E ${path-to-source-v}" is used to run the "iverilog" executable with the "-E" option and a path to a Verilog source file.
Here is a breakdown of the command:
- "iverilog" is the name of the executable program. It is a popular open-source Verilog simulator and compiler.
- "-E" is an option that tells the "iverilog" compiler to preprocess the Verilog source file without actually compiling it. Preprocessing involves expanding macros, including header files, and handling other preprocessor directives.
- "${path-to-source-v}" is a placeholder that represents the actual path to the Verilog source file you want to preprocess. You need to replace this placeholder with the actual file path before running the command.
When you run this command, the "iverilog" compiler will preprocess the Verilog source file specified by "${path-to-source-v}". The preprocessed output will be displayed in the terminal or written to a file, depending on how the command is configured. Note that this command does not actually compile the Verilog code to an executable or simulation.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.