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jarsigner: Sign a JAR file.
$ jarsigner ${filename-jar} ${keystore_alias}
try on your machine

The command you posted is using the "jarsigner" utility in a shell script or command line environment. Here's an explanation of the command structure:

jarsigner ${filename-jar} ${keystore_alias}
  • jarsigner: This command is used in Java Development Kit (JDK) to sign and verify Java archive (JAR) files. It is mainly used to associate digital certificates with JAR files.

  • ${filename-jar}: It is a placeholder for the filename of the JAR file you want to sign. You need to replace ${filename-jar} with the actual JAR file name (including its path if necessary). For example, if your JAR file is named "app.jar", you would replace ${filename-jar} with "app.jar".

  • ${keystore_alias}: This is another placeholder for the keystore alias. The keystore is a secure storage where cryptographic keys and their corresponding certificates are stored. You need to replace ${keystore_alias} with the actual alias used for the private key and certificate within the keystore. If you have a keystore with an alias named "myalias", you would replace ${keystore_alias} with "myalias".

After replacing the placeholders with actual values, the command becomes:

jarsigner app.jar myalias

This instructs the "jarsigner" utility to sign the "app.jar" file using the private key and certificate associated with the "myalias" alias in the keystore.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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