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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool jarsigner. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Jarsigner is a command line tool that comes with the Java Development Kit (JDK). It is primarily used for signing JAR (Java Archive) files. JAR files are used to package Java libraries and applications into a single compressed file. Signing a JAR file is the process of digitally signing it using a private key, which provides authentication and integrity of the file. Jarsigner supports various cryptographic algorithms for signing, including RSA and DSA. It verifies the integrity of the JAR files and ensures that the content has not been tampered with since it was signed. Jarsigner uses the Java keystore to manage the private keys and certificates required for signing. It can also be used to verify the signature of signed JAR files. Jarsigner can be a crucial tool for deployment in environments where verifying the authenticity and integrity of JAR files is essential, such as in applets or distributed Java applications. By adding a digital signature to a JAR file, users can have confidence that the file is from a trusted source and has not been modified.

List of commands for jarsigner:

  • jarsigner:tldr:0f122 jarsigner: Verify the signature of a JAR file.
    $ jarsigner -verify ${filename-jar}
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  • jarsigner:tldr:407e7 jarsigner: Sign a JAR file with a specific algorithm.
    $ jarsigner -sigalg ${algorithm} ${filename-jar} ${keystore_alias}
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  • jarsigner:tldr:daf4c jarsigner: Sign a JAR file.
    $ jarsigner ${filename-jar} ${keystore_alias}
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