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javac: Compile several `.java` files.
$ javac ${file1-java} ${file2-java} ${file3-java}
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The given command is using the "javac" command-line tool to compile multiple java source files at once.

Here, "${file1-java}", "${file2-java}", and "${file3-java}" are placeholders for the actual file names. The placeholders are being used in a way that allows the command to be flexible, so you can replace them with the actual file names when using the command.

To use the command, you need to replace "${file1-java}", "${file2-java}", and "${file3-java}" with the respective names of your java source files. The command will then compile all the specified files in one go.

For example, if you have three Java source files named "", "", and "", you can use the command like this:


This will compile all three java source files in a single process, allowing you to save time and effort manually compiling each file one by one.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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