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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool javac. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Javac is a command line tool used for compiling Java source code files into bytecode. It is a part of the Java Development Kit (JDK) and is primarily used by developers to compile Java programs. The command "javac" is followed by the filename of the Java source file, with the .java extension. When the javac command is executed, it performs syntax checking, generates bytecodes, and creates a compiled class file with the .class extension. Javac can compile multiple Java source files at once, which is useful for large projects that consist of multiple classes. It provides various options to control the compilation process, such as specifying the output directory, classpath, and compiler version. Javac generates bytecode that can be run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), making Java a platform-independent language. If there are any errors or warnings during the compilation process, Javac displays them on the command line, highlighting the problematic lines. The compiled class files can be executed using the "java" command, which interprets the bytecode and runs the Java program. Javac is an essential tool in Java development, as it converts human-readable code into a format that can be executed and understood by the JVM.

List of commands for javac:

  • javac:tldr:0fed6 javac: Compile a `.java` file and place the resulting class file in a specific directory.
    $ javac -d ${path-to-directory} ${file-java}
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  • javac:tldr:3adc2 javac: Compile several `.java` files.
    $ javac ${file1-java} ${file2-java} ${file3-java}
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  • javac:tldr:b5794 javac: Compile a `.java` file.
    $ javac ${file-java}
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