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List of commands for jdupes:

  • jdupes:tldr:26975 jdupes: Search directory recursively and let user choose files to preserve.
    $ jdupes --delete --recurse ${path-to-directory}
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  • jdupes:tldr:32579 jdupes: Search multiple directories and keep the directory order in result.
    $ jdupes -O ${directory1} ${directory2} ${directory3}
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  • jdupes:tldr:4e4a4 jdupes: Search a single directory.
    $ jdupes ${path-to-directory}
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  • jdupes:tldr:693a0 jdupes: Search multiple directories.
    $ jdupes ${directory1} ${directory2}
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  • jdupes:tldr:c4680 jdupes: Search all directories recursively.
    $ jdupes --recurse ${path-to-directory}
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  • jdupes:tldr:cd5a7 jdupes: Search multiple directories and follow subdirectores under directory2, not directory1.
    $ jdupes ${directory1} --recurse: ${directory2}
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